Empower your practice with quality progress notes with Chronicler.

Documentation is necessary but draining.

Chronicler is a web-based notes program intentionally designed to make writing high quality progress notes fast and effortless. That gives therapists time back to see clients, rest, prep, or just finally use the bathroom!

How does it work?

Scroll and Click

Just scroll and click your way through your progress notes. No more time wondering how best to word your progress note; get the clinical language instantly.

Edit Anytime

Make minor edits at any time during your progress notes. Any edited text is only stored on your device so you can include confidential information.

Search Everything

Search by modality, diagnostic categories, the descriptors, or even the statement text so that you can find anything you need to for your therapy practice. Naturally, you can save your own statements to have them always available.

Now with an optional AI rephrase!

Progress Notes Anywhere

You can make therapeutic progress notes anywhere. Chronicler runs in your browser, so you get the same great notes experience on your phone, tablet, or desktop.

Chronicler is compatible with all the major electronic health record software. Just paste it into your favorite EHR or print it out to store the paper copy.

Other therapists agree.

AJ Spatz

Chronicler has helped me write thorough, effective, and consistent progress notes, and it helps me do so in less time than writing my notes by hand or even by using templates.

We're committed to making therapy more accessible and improving quality by introducing tools like our progress notes creator, Chronicler, as a first step in revolutionizing the therapy field.